Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ear Hole Trumpet

Ear Hole Trumpet has landed!

well, I got sick of telling people "You should listen to this thing online, it is hilarious!" and then 3 weeks later the person says "what was that thing again?" and ususally it was something that was only up for a week and is now long gone or I can't find the link anymore.


I decided to make another blog (than this one) and it would be dedicated to all the online spoken word and comedy stuff I listen to while I am working. I cant listen to stuff while I am typing or trying to read a website or stuff like that but when I am making artwork or putting together designs I listen to all sorts of things.

It is weird because I really take in the audio and days or a few weeks later I can look at what I was doing and remember exactly what I was hearing. If you asked me "remember that episode of This American Life last week, i would probably just look at you blankly but if I looked at a detail in an illustration I will remember what the guy was saying at that point. Is that common or a bit wierd?

So if you want something good to listen to, drop in have a look around and see if anything takes your fancy, run it up the flagpole, see who salutes...

It has only been up for a few days but I have a whole bunch of links to get up there over the next little while.

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